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Thank you for checking out our website/blog. By journaling and updating this website we will attempt to keep friends and family up to date on what is going on inside our lives. Living with a terminal illness (ALS) and demonstrating how God is working in our lives to bring Him glory during this trial. We appreciate your gracious prayers and support during this season of our lives! We Love You All So Much!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

What we have been up to lately

We have been busy as usual so we thought we would give a quick update (if that is possible)
Tonight we did something really fun. We had a local photographer, Kerry Sierveld come take our pictures. I know it was not my dad who is a wonderful photographer too! I came across her blog thru Zach's teacher and I just fell in love with her work. She has a unique gift and I just wanted her to do some shots of us. She had her hands full with us trying to get us to do what she was trying to capture but she did it beautifully and she is so in love with her work, she went home tonight and already posted a preview on her blog!
I sure hope this link works. If it doesn't, try to google images of essence photography and you will find her blog. WE LOVE THE PICTURES and will post some when we get them!! Wow, my kids look so old!! When did that happen??? Thank You, Kerry!!!!
Last week we went to Winter Jam at the VanAndel and saw Toby Mac and other great bands with a huge group of friends. We had so much fun and the place was packed for God praising and dancing. The pictures above are from that night.
Last weekend we went downtown to Inter City Church Planting Mission on Division with Steve and Cheryl Hytenin to help them with their street ministry they have been doing for a long time. It was a blessing to be there on a beautiful sunny day helping hand out soup, coffee and warm clothes and praying with people who have such a great need to see the love of Christ. Eric was born to do this and I am excited to do this with him. I really need prayer to build up my confidence to share freely with the homeless and down hearted people that come by. We plan to go there every Saturday that we can with Hytenin's and the other people that have been a part of this ministry. We encourage any of you who are interested in joining us to call us or Steve or Cheryl to help out! They really need some more people to help reach out and you will be so blessed for doing it!
I am still buried in tax returns and can't wait for April 15th!!
Zach has started Little League Majors in Grandville a few weeks ago and has a great team and coach this year! Sadly, his hamster Shadow died tonight. Zach discovered him before bed tonight and we both cried. He lived a good life so I think Zach is OK with his passing, just sad.
Maddie is busy playing with her new friends in the neighborhood since it is getting nice and is still all girl and all 6! She will be starting Tee ball soon.
Eric has been busy reading up on all of the latest info on the drug IPLEX. Eric is one of 6 original and now 20 people who have their Investigative New Drug (IND) for compassionate use approved finally since November 08 when he went to DC. They will finally be conducting a trial with this drug in patients with ALS. This is a huge release thru the FDA and has been posted on many ALS sights and many of you have been asking us about this. Please pray that this would continue to go along quickly and that the IND cost would go down from $2,000. We are praying we could split this with the others involved and not each charged this much just to get access to this drug. We also pray that this drug will help stop the progression of ALS in Eric and others and that the trial would start soon and prove effective and be released to all PALS. Eric has also been doing a new treatment at the Born Clinic that uses technology that NASA uses for astronauts coming back from space. It is pulsating electromagnetic wavelength frequency that helps the body heal. He has done two treatments and has felt relief of pain and has been able to sleep much better which has been great for both of us. We are excited about this! Pray that this continues to help Eric in the healing process. We have been praying almost the last two years that Dr.s will find a cure for this disease and there have been some new breakthroughs. Keep praying for this. We appreciate all of your prayers!!


Anonymous said...

Hello beautiful family!!! Miss you all so much, pray for you every night! Thank you for posting, so encouraged to see you living life the way you do! The pictures are amazing, I cried my way through them, what a talent she has, and what a gift for you to have these! Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today. We love you and know that God carries you!

Anonymous said...

You have a nice blog. I have used your links to other stories of PALS and CALS. You have done a great job of putting a human face on ALS. Great journal of living with this disease and having a testimony for Christ. Great pictures by Kerry.

Anonymous said...

E, what's up buddy? We need to go to a movie sometime soon. This time I get to pick:) See you Sunday. If you can, get me a copy of Zacks baseball schedule....

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