YouTube - He Is With You
Check out the link above (be sure to pause the jukebox first at the top of our blog)
My sister posted this link above on her blog the other day for the song He is With You. I have never heard the song, but Eric and I watched it with tears and loved it! What a great reminder that no matter what we are going through, we are not alone. God is with us through every step of our journey in life. My favorite part is Joy comes in the morning because that is so true. When we have a bad day, God always comes through and shows us the joy in our life. We had a rough start to last week and another emotional day with Eric being very non responsive. We have tied it to the possible effects that Ativan had on his system so we have cut that out. The last part of this week has been really good. Eric started using his Dynavox to communicate with us and has been "talking" up a storm and I love it. We've had some visitors too who enjoyed talking with Eric and laughing as well at his humorous commments. It is good to have Eric back and making an effort (it takes more for him to do this than to sit by himself quietly) to spend time with family and friends. It's good to laugh again.
My brother, Kevin and his family are in Columbia right now with their newly adopted daughter Maria and we were able to "meet" her last night on Skype which was so cool! She is beautiful! Pray for them as they get to know each other and bond together.
My Sister is almost done with radiation but is having horrible burns and side effects on her neck so keep her in your prayers too.
Both of their blogs are on the side of our blog if you want to check up on them.
ALso pray for Eric's dad as he is going tomorrow to a pain clinic to help with his pain.
Praying that God will bless us with a good week. We will miss the Olympics being on as we have enjoyed watching them together as a family.
Blessings to all of you!
Hi Lori, my name is Barry Mangan. I am new to ALS, but have had some symptoms since last July 2009.
I love your website and your family. I was "officially" diagnosed with ALS on Thursday, Feb 26th, after seeing a neurologist at the VA in Seattle originally on the 14th of January who suspected it.
I was wondering if you were available to have my wife call you and talk sometime. We have VOIP, she can call you. She has been doing some caregiving, but ALS and me going through it is brand new.
My blog is at I've had health issue going on for almost 10 years, but this latest is going to be interesting. I know He is with me, and you and Eric, and your kids.
God Bless,
Barry Mangan
Tacoma, WA
Lori, Eric, Zach and Maddie
Just wanted to let you know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers.
Melinda, Ken, Tristyn, Alexis and Mason.
Thinking about you guys and praying.
I have been visiting Sue Chichester at Faith Hospice and saw the placque in Eric's honor at Faith Hospice at Trillium Woods. You have helped make a difference in the lives of others with ALS. I pray that God will continue to use you and give you comfort in your trials.
Wayne Essink
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