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Thank you for checking out our website/blog. By journaling and updating this website we will attempt to keep friends and family up to date on what is going on inside our lives. Living with a terminal illness (ALS) and demonstrating how God is working in our lives to bring Him glory during this trial. We appreciate your gracious prayers and support during this season of our lives! We Love You All So Much!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

A quick update

I have to say that time still seems to go by fast as it is already Spring and it seems like just yesterday it was January and I was so worried if Eric would make it through the night a few times. Early January, Eric's goal was to make it to Zach's 13th birthday and his 40th on January 17th and January 21st respectively. When he did that, he told me he just wanted to make it to Spring. I remember thinking to myself, I don't know if that is possible and even I don't know if I can continue to take care of you until Spring as I was feeling so overwhelmed. Well, God is bigger than my thoughts and fears and here we are enjoying a beautiful Spring day together! God is so good!!! Eric got outside a little bit today and I even washed all my windows today inside and out and Zach and Maddie cleaned the screens and each other with the hose. It was a good day! We were introduced to a new caregiver tonight with Visiting Angels who will be working a few hours in the evening once a week. He seems very nice and very knowledgable and he said he felt like God told him to take this job. I know God is always providing in so many ways and this could be another blessing for our family. We are also starting with a new girl tonight to help for one night a week who we found through prayer and a friend of a friend.
Please pray that this would be a good fit. I am really looking forward to getting a full nights sleep once she is trained.
Other good news is my brother and his family of four are home from Columbia safely. Maria is 2 and adopted from Columbia. Isn't she beautiful!! Carlos is 5 and was adopted from Guatamala when he was 1. They arrived on Tuesday night and me and the kids went to the airport to meet them with my family. It was late so we had a caregiver stay at the house with Eric. They were so tired but glad to be home. I posted pictures above.

Enjoy your Spring break and vacations if you are taking them!

Go State!!!! Final 4 again!

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