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Thank you for checking out our website/blog. By journaling and updating this website we will attempt to keep friends and family up to date on what is going on inside our lives. Living with a terminal illness (ALS) and demonstrating how God is working in our lives to bring Him glory during this trial. We appreciate your gracious prayers and support during this season of our lives! We Love You All So Much!

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

A quick (OK not so quick) update

It's late, but I'm so exhausted that I can't sleep. This week has flown by. We had a great time up north last weekend and mostly good weather. It was hard for Eric to be up there and not able to do the many things he wanted to do with us like fishing, seadooing, swimming, etc. but none the less it was just nice being together as a family away from all of the demands of life.
Wednesday brought major storms to West Michigan. My sister and I and the kids went to see Wall-E and came out of the theatre to a major thunderstorm with flooded roads and trees down in the streets. It was an adventure getting home. Eric was home with our Angel and had called and said we had no power. Our power stayed out until sometime in the middle of the night so we played LIFE by candle light and then sat in the garage and watched the storm and listened to the sirens. We went to Meijers at night and just walked around and ran into many of our neighors and friends who had no power. It made me think about how we are so lost without our power for one day when many people don't even have power in other countries to cook their food or keep it cold or for them to stay warm or cool. We worry when we don't have TV or our computer and A/C in our homes and don't realize how good we have it. They were predicting power to be out until Fri or Sat so when it came on in the night, I just praised the Lord!
We had a showing on Thursday, so I had to go to town on the house in the morning since nothing had been done the night before.
A friend from our church found a lift van at a used car dealer he trusts for sale and he had it brought to us from Portage Thurs morning so we could test it out. It is a very nice van and the lift is in the back of the vehicle and Eric could roll up to sit in the middle of the kids and lock in a wheelchair. We have been checking in on our VA auto grant to make sure we can use that for this vehicle. It was something that we weren't thinking about yet, but God just works like that to take care of things. We really like the van and hope it will work out.
The reality is that Eric needs to get his wheelchair ordered. We have an appointment to get measured and assessed on July 15th. He has a hard time holding his head when he walks and has become unsteady on his feet quite often lately and risks falling and it really scares me. I hate to see him like this because it is a sign of progression of this awful disease! There are days when things just seem normal for us and there are days when it is really hard to think that Eric has ALS and today was one of those days. I haven't cried in a long time because we just keep moving along and we really do enjoy life every day and love on eachother as much as we can because life is so precious. Tonight the tears are flowing freely. I know it is good for me to cry so i will just let them flow. We heard from our friends in Florida that we have never met who have ALS and he is not doing good at all. He is barely able to move and he was only diagnosed this year. It breaks my heart talking to his wife and not knowing what to say or how to comfort her because it is such a reality for us too. This disease is so different for everyone affected and there is just so much unknown, it is just not fair! Please pray for Roger and Karen. One thing he know is "his ticket is paid for and he is going to heaven" Praise the Lord for his salvation and his testimony to others.
We had a good day on the Fourth of July together and today have been cleaning most of the day and doing yardwork for another showing on Sunday and a second showing from the couple that came on Thursday. Please pray that this is the right house for either of them so that we can be freed to move forward to get the right home for Eric. It has been very tiring keeping the house ready to show and I told Eric that if the house sells, I will not be cleaning again until we move out. Well, maybe just dishes and laundry. Anyone who has sold a home knows what I am talking about! I had better try to go to sleep again. I have been reading a devotional called "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" for caregivers by Shelly Beach and it has been very encouraging to me. Sometimes I think she knows exactly how I feel. I recommend it for anyone who takes care of a loved one (she cares for her parents) but I want to close this with a prayer she wrote on todays reading:
"Dear God, my prayer today is, 'I believe. Help my unbelief,' In the middle of pain and suffering, my heart cries out for answers, for proof, for evidence, for something that can make sense of the devestation that I see in the world around me. But God, You hold the keys to the history of the world and to every indignity and injustice that has ever been perpetrated, and You promise that in the end all will be made right. Father, we cling to you, knowing that we won't find those answers in this world but only by looking into Your eyes and trusting You for the future. Give me that faith, Father."

"I sougth the Lord, and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34: 4-5

Good night!


Brian & Kristi said...

Lori - you are radiant. Even through your tears. Although it breaks my heart to read your update, I love your honesty. And I love you.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes in life we are sooo busy, we miss God. How does
Eric keep up with your life
style? I know someone who suffered
and passed from ALS, but their world was home, family, life and living. You seem to always be leaving---going---packing--
planning---vacationing---, or just returning from somewhere. Be STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD>....We pray for Eric, for his peace within, for Jesus to touch him, and that He may find a quiet gentle sweetness from our Saviour during your hectic life. We hope, that you can settle down, relax, be at your home, and enjoy each other. More priceless than gold. A settled Saviour lover in Seattle

Joann said...

You and your family are in my prayers, sweet siter.
Love Joann

Joann said...

i meant to write "sweet sister" sorry.

Anonymous said...

Keep holding on. Keep holding on to Jesus, just like you are doing. He is near. Lori, I can only imagine how hard this is for you (and for Eric too of course), and like Kristi, my heart breaks for you. I'm sorry you guys have to go through this. You are always in our prayers. We love you!


Anonymous said...

Keep holding on. Keep holding on to Jesus, just like you are doing. He is near. Lori, I can only imagine how hard this is for you (and for Eric too of course), and like Kristi, my heart breaks for you. I'm sorry you guys have to go through this. You are always in our prayers. We love you!


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