by: Dr. Napoleon Hill
During these times of lack of harmony among men and nations, when the world is rocked with chaos and strife and lack of faith, what greater work could a man engage in than that of planting constructive thoughts where destructive ones grew before? You have influence with a certain number of people and if you wish to exercise that influence so it will bring you the greatest return in happiness and in fortune you will lay aside all hatred or prejudice which may have fastened itself upon you and devote every ounce of your influence to helping men see the folly of strife and struggle and destructive effort. In thus wielding your influence for good you may be sure that your efforts will return to you, like a boomerang, not to curse but to bless you and yours, for as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west the world will hand you back that which you hand it. You can be a man with a grievance or a man with a message; you can be a BUILDER or a DESTROYER, but make sure of this, that you can no more tear down without in turn being torn down, than you could sow wild mustard and reap a harvest of oats.
Source: Napoleon Hill's Magazine, Volume 1, November, 1921, Number 7, back cover.
Each of us is responsible for making a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Therefore, each of us is a potential teacher and needs to be aware of this role. All teachers model behaviors, intentional or not, and students replicate those behaviors, good or bad.
If we agree to the fact that there is one aspect that we cannot afford to overlook when giving ourselves a success makeover -that being ourselves -, then the hand held mirror serves as a good prop. The mirror becomes a metaphor for introspection and introspection is the one crucial aspect that develops our success consciousness. Dr. Hill states: "You do not see your real self when you look into a mirror. You only see the house in which your real self lives."
Why a mirror? Well, to really see something we must observe, and to analyze something we must look within before we can conjecture about what is to happen without. As you gaze into the mirror, I would like you to consider these four characteristics that underscore personal development.
First, a renewed self calls for checks on personal performance and individual perception. To reference an unknown monk from 1100A.D.who wanted to change the world, he eventually understood that before the world, nation, community,or family could be impacted by anyone, that person must first change himself. We become the solution from the inside out - not from the outside in. Here comes the mirror part - look within for the answers!!!
Second, we need to profess action, not dialogue, when dealing with renewal. As teachers (and we all are), we need to know the progression of learning. Bloom identifies six "stair steps" to learning. Beginning at ground level they are: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Bloom indicates that to know a concept in all its intricate detail, one must progress actively through the stages of learning. Consider that application is halfway up the ladder of learning and comes before the evaluation stage. Before we can formulate an educated opinion we must have some basis in real life experience, i.e., application. For example, Napoleon Hill states: "Opinions are the cheapest commodity on earth. Everybody has them." Here comes the mirror part - can you observe and measure yourself actively doing something? Or, is your best advice just an opinion, and not an educated one at that? Dr. Hill tells us to develop a plan and then work the plan. Can you catch yourself in your mirror working the plan by walking the talk?
Third, renewal screams for outcome. Are you on a diet, an exercise program, or a day-by-day spiritual reformation? Well, then, you expect results such as weight loss, a stronger body, and increased spirituality as you progress. If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Obviously, you must have a plan to reach a destination. Working the plan creates a roadmap. If we know the direction we are going, subsequent steps in the right direction will get us there even if we only take one step at a time. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. states, "Where we stand is not as important as the direction in which we are moving." Here comes the mirror part - can you see yourself moving in the direction of your dream? If not, turn around.
Finally, success consciousness causes introspection coupled with ongoing personal assessment. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" is an often heard quotation that still rings true. Have some fun with this. Try substituting your favorite noun - concrete or abstract - for country and hear how purposeful it sounds.
Ask not what your job can do for you, ask what you can do for your job. Ask not what your dreams can do for you, ask what you can do for your dreams. Ask not what your mother can do for you, ask what you can do for your mother. Ask not what your Church can do for you, ask what you can do for your Church.
This little activity guides you toward creating a goal and a direction. It builds enthusiasm. It propels you to an outcome. Here comes the mirror part - see that star in the background? Hitch your wagon to it.
Reflect an attitude of gratitude.
Look for evidence of good things [blessings] sent to us by God.
Now, you have refocused and you can see the mirror images in a much clearer fashion. Throw out the drudgery and revitalize yourself by focusing on behaviors and outcomes. Remember the least action is worth far more than the greatest intention. Do not intend to act. Act. Ask people how you are doing. Listen to what is said, but recall you are only receiving someone else's opinion. Distill it for what it is worth. Do less and accomplish more. But, do it now.
Finding your definite major purpose requires that you uncover what you do best. Don't force interest where none exists. Intensify versus trivialize. Do only what is significant to you, but do it well. All Rosa Parks had to do was sit, but this action seated her in our nation's history. Just sit. Sounds wonderful. Think about it. One thought, one vibration, one idea can create a rippling effect that could change the course of the world.
Looking at our selves promotes introspection. Acute observation serves as a catalyst for growth and development. When we look within, we promote movement beyond the problem toward the solution. When we look within, the significance of attitudes becomes apparent. When we look within, we uncover universal laws for success.
“Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is kind, if there is any virtue, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).
What you think about determines the quality and direction of your life. Naturally, people who think positive, uplifting thoughts have happier, healthier, longer lives. They are less stressed, more vibrant and enjoy better sleep. That’s why the scripture encourages us to think on good things—things that are true, noble and lovely. Some translations say to “fix your mind” on them. When you fix your mind on noble things, you close the door to the negative voices and open your heart to allow God to work in your life. Choose today to fix your mind on good things. Do whatever you need to in order to keep those good thoughts before you. Write them on note cards and put them in a place where you can see them. Confess God’s promises over your life and declare His blessing on a daily basis. As you fix your mind on the goodness of God, you will rise higher in every area of your life. You will be filled with His peace and victory.
I hope some of this helps...have blessed week!
Your brother in Christ,
1 comment:
Wow. That is the best thing that I have read in a very long time. You are smart! Wow. I think I need to print this out and re-read it. I will apply it to my life and remember these statements when giving my opinion or trying to help someone else. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. There are many points in this entry that apply to me. Thanks again. Have a great day.
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