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Thank you for checking out our website/blog. By journaling and updating this website we will attempt to keep friends and family up to date on what is going on inside our lives. Living with a terminal illness (ALS) and demonstrating how God is working in our lives to bring Him glory during this trial. We appreciate your gracious prayers and support during this season of our lives! We Love You All So Much!

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Sunday, June 15, 2008


When I was younger, I used to dream about changing the world. My childhood wasn't the most joyous period in my life as many of ours weren't. I always thought, when I got older that I would spread some joy in the world and help make it a better place. I heard something this morning at Lori's parents church in Holland for Father's day, the Pastor was talking about making a difference in one persons life. He used the parable in Luke 16 (19-31) about the rich man and poor beggar Lazarus. He talked about how one person can make a difference in someone's life. We can change the world one person at at time if we learn from this parable the "hidden message". This person could be in front of you every day just like the beggar at his steps. What are we doing to make a difference? It makes me more aware of the people around me and their needs. Am I paying attention or do I even see what they need or what they may be going through. Convicting! Most of the time we are caught up in our own lives and business. Just some food for thought especially when you read of their eternal rewards and punishments. (heaven vs. hell) I want to be like Lazarus.

We watched a movie tonight that my parents just saw called the Bucket List which was about two men who were dying of Cancer who made a list of things to do before they "kicked the bucket" and it made us think of things you want to experience and also what kind of legacy we want to leave behind.

Today I (Lori) want to wish Eric and all fathers a wonderful Father's Day! I watch him laugh after the dog has eaten another onion that has fallen on the floor from my poor feeding ability and think of how much I love him. I know that sounds strange, but we see each other in a much different light now and appreciate small things about each other. It is not always easy to see things from each others perspectives, but so important for us. We laugh and cry together and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful that God chose to put us together nearly 18 years ago. That is half of my lifetime!

“He raised us up together with Him…that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of His free grace, His unmerited favor…” Ephesians 2:6-7 AMP.

We serve a God of unlimited grace, favor and blessing. He longs to show us His goodness and pour out His abundance in our lives. When God sees us, He sees unlimited possibility. He sees unlimited potential. He sees unlimited resources. God’s grace and favor in our life enables us to become what He sees, but we have to first open our heart and take the limits off. We limit God in our thinking. Thoughts of doubt, unbelief and unforgiveness in our heart will close the door to His favor. In Mark chapter 6, it says that Jesus could do no mighty works in a particular town because of the unbelief of the people. It works the same way today. But when we choose thoughts of faith and expectancy, we are opening the door for God to work in our life. We are taking the limits off. We are giving Him the opportunity to multiply what we have in our hand. Choose to take the limits off by choosing His thoughts of victory.

God is so good to me!

Make a difference this week in someones life; keep your eyes & heart open where you might join God in changing the world one person at a time.

Love your brother in Christ,


1 comment:

Joann said...

Here's the terrible typer again. Thanks for the entry. I hope you had a wonderful Fathers Day. As I was sitting here this morning, thinking about myself and my issues and problems, I was sort of ignoring my kids. Your enry snapped me out of my funk, ( I hope it will last) God is good, I need to remember that. I need to look back at all the wonderful things he has done. I also need to remember that Christ did not just come to earth to perform miracles and healings, he came to preach the truth and to die for our salvation. I get upset when I think He is not giving me what I want,NOW. Then I hae to remember, He has alread done everything for me when He died on the cross, no it's my turn to do some work for Him and lov his children and speak the truth to his people who don't know him yet, just lke you are, brother and sister. Thank you. I hope you have a great day, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, Eric and Lori. Some wonderful day (prayfully when our kids are grown ;-) ) I'll be able to thank you and we'll put our crowns at Jesus' feet together.
Boy, I sound kinda preachy don't I. Well, It's chai tea latte time for me. Much Love,
Your sister in Christ,

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